Scientists are onto a curious phenomenon. In a new study from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, researchers discovered that when women cry, men's testosterone levels drop significantly.
Multiple experiments showed that just the smell of a woman's tears caused a dip in testosterone and reduced brain activity in areas associated with sexual arousal. The researchers believe it is a clear sign that human tears send chemical signals to the people around them. But if tears are a form of communication, what messages are women sending when they cry at work—an organization already opposed to displays of emotion?
"Testosterone is a key power hormone that gets corporate executives in warrior mode," says Judith Orloff, M.D., a psychiatrist and the author of Emotional Freedom. When a woman cries in the presence of a male colleague, "it's threatening hormonally. Studies have associated lower testosterone levels in men with feelings of failure."
Most professional women have fought back tears in the workplace at some point in their careers–many unsuccessfully. A professor of management at the University of California, Davis, Kim Elsbach, Ph.D., has been studying the repercussions of crying in the workplace for over three years. According to her research, women are much more likely to cry at work—and in general—due to their socialization. Because most boys are firmly taught not to cry, holding back has become a reflex, she says. And unfortunately for women, tears at work are almost always perceived with disdain, and the consequences can be harsh.
"Because women aren't socialized like men," says Elsbach, "they carry an extra burden of emotional labor."
In her research, Elsbach discovered that there are few situations where crying is "acceptable." The worst offenses, she found, are crying in a public meeting or because of work stress, like a looming deadline or coworker disagreement, because it is considered disruptive and weak. Crying in a private performance evaluation is also considered unprofessional and often manipulative.
A single tear
The only exception to criticism is crying due to a personal loss like death or divorce, and even that has its limits. "If the crying is excessive–repeated or prolonged, rather than a single episode–it could be considered unstable or weak," says Elsbach.
Career coach Stephen Xavier has dealt with many executives on this issue and says that men become very uncomfortable when a female colleague cries. "In their minds, they see their own wife, daughter, sister or mother embodied in that female sitting across from them, and it's hard." He's observed that women are more empathetic to other women, and in the rare instances that a man cries, he might be completely ostracized by a male coworker.
Elsbach says women who cried at work felt intense shame, embarrassment and disappointment in themselves. She also found it interesting that colleagues would consider the crying manipulative, because the women said they would have done anything to stop if they could. Moreover, many felt the crying had been incredibly damaging to their success, saying they'd lost promotions and even board seats.
Ten years ago, 40-year-old Kathy Caprino worked as a corporate vice president at a Connecticut-based company. She did not consider herself much of a crier, but on occasion had pulled her office door shut to shed a few tears. Like many executives, she regarded publically crying at work "the kiss of death." Then it happened to her.
Caprino was asked into the president's office to speak about her supervisor, whose competency had come into question. The president asked her to keep an eye on the supervisor and regularly report his mistakes. Feeling it would be wrong and disloyal, Caprino said she wouldn't snitch. He was adamant, however, and demanded that she do it.
That's when the tears came—first out of frustration that she'd been backed into a corner and then compounded by disappointment in herself that she'd lost control. She watched as the president's eyebrows raised in shock and embarrassment and then slowly contort into anger.
The crying itself was never mentioned between them, but Caprino immediately saw a shift in the president and in their relationship. "It was awkward thereafter," she says. "I knew it was the absolute worst thing in the world; crying in the workplace is inappropriate. When control is everything, crying will get you alienated."
On the other side of the desk sits Tyler Barnett, who owns an eponymous public relations firm in Beverly Hills, Cal. His employees are all female, and with major clients like Chrysler and Lifetime TV, stress levels are easily elevated. He considers himself a compassionate leader but says he's been subject to a few employee crying outbursts that were completely unprofessional. "I still don't know how to handle it," he admits.
Barnett recalls a 20-something junior account executive who was a chronic crier. When she received even day-to-day feedback, she would often well up. Once, the woman sent an email to an important client with misspellings and incorrect information. Barnett "firmly" told her it was unacceptable, and she began to cry.
"It was very uncomfortable," he says. "I was trying to have a conversation about a job she's paid to do. As a man–and as a human–you feel the need to comfort someone who's crying, but that's not appropriate. So you just sit there awkwardly."
Ultimately, women are quicker to cry in a culture that considers it unacceptable. It's not fair, but it is reality, says psychiatrist Orloff. Because tears release toxins and shed stress hormones, she says it's important that professionals do not avoid crying entirely. Rather, she advises that they train themselves to take a breath, stay neutral and not react in the face of pointed criticism or intense stress. After waiting or excusing themselves, Orloff suggests crying privately.
"Emotional freedom is having a choice of how to respond rather than reacting in the moment without control," says Orloff. "Train yourself, so you're not taken off guard."